Sand & Gravel
0-4mm, 0-8mm, 4-8mm, 8-22mm, +22mm fractions

In 2018, Icelandic company Steypustöðin acquired two businesses, Alexander Ólafsson and Tak-Malbik, and with it, two wet processing solutions from CDE put in operation in October 2016. Located in the quarries of Vatnskarðsnáman and Hólabrúarnáman in Iceland, the two processing plants were integrated into Steypustöðin’s operations, reinforcing the company’s material processing capabilities.
The two original sand and aggregate processing plants included a M2500, a fully integrated modular washing plant that combines feeding, screening, washing and stockpiling into one compact and mobile chassis, and an AquaCycle thickener for water management and recycling, with a processing capability of 80 to 110tph (tonnes per hour) depending on the feed material, producing 5 outputs: +22mm oversize, 8-22mm, 4-8mm, 0-4mm and 0-8mm.

Facing an increased demand for premium construction materials, Steypustöðin was unable to meet the level of demand of the construction industry or build up its own material reserves. To achieve sufficient production of in-spec output material, the plant capacity needed to be increased and Steypustöðin decided to invest in an upgrade to its plant in Hólabrú.
The original configuration of the plant split 0-8mm materials into two fractions – 0-4mm and 4-8mm – on the bottom deck of the M2500. The jet pump, utilised for the 4-8mm fraction, was identified as one of the bottlenecks, limiting the feed material throughput.

Through minimum but impactful changes to the original design we were able to more than double the plant’s capacity, exceeding the customer’s requirements.
We devised a solution that significantly transformed the operation and output of Steypustöðin’s plant while retaining its core infrastructure and original configuration. It included the removal of the jet pump, replaced by a new traditional pump. It also included the full use of the lower deck for the 0-8mm fraction now pumped to a new, separate dewatering screen where the 4-8mm fraction is dewatered, screened off, and stockpiled via new conveyor system, while the 0-4mm underflow of the screen is pumped back into the original configuration where it is dewatered, and minus 63-micron material removed through a new, higher capacity cyclone.

The plant is now running at 180tph thanks to the upgrade which more than doubled the sand and gravel production for Steypustöðin, on the 0-4mm and 4-8mm fractions, while the plant is still producing five outputs.
This project highlights the robustness, adaptability and durability of our technology backed up by leading aftersales support, delivered by our CustomCare team. We have developed an excellent working relationship with the team at Steypustöðin and we're pleased our technology continues to support one of the leading producers of concrete in Iceland.
The customer was impressed by the drive and determination displayed by our team in engineering a solution to increase Steypustöðin’s production in line with the soaring demand. The flexibility of our plant and the ability of our team to integrate these new components into the operation rather than carrying out a full plant overhaul, enabled a relatively low-cost upgrade and have had a transformational impact on the production, accelerating the overall return on investment.