We guarantee maximum recovery of valuable fines from sand and aggregate production. Our equipment has a proven track record in processing difficult, heavy clay-bound materials, scalpings, and overburden while removing organic contamination. And our innovative water management expertise ensures we protect and reuse as much natural resource as possible – eliminating inefficient, costly, and often dangerous, settling ponds.
Our sand & gravel washing plants are used by many of the world’s leading construction materials producers to:
- Maximize resource yield
- Maximize equipment life
- Minimize waste
- Maximize return on investment
Whether you need an upgrade or a proven turnkey solution, we will co-create with you to deliver a solution that will add maximum value to your business.
Our fully consultative approach means we work to understand the requirements of your project and develop an intelligent and honest appraisal of your needs coupled with details of how we believe our equipment can help address the operational issues you are facing. Some of the concerns we’re helping to solve on a daily basis:
- Loss of quality fines to your settling ponds
- Heavy clay contamination of feed material
- Organic contamination of feed material (leaves, roots etc)
- Removal of minus 63 micron / 200 mesh material
- Access and recycling of process water. We help recycle up to 90% of process water for recirculation
- Elimination of the requirement for settling ponds/lagoons

Working With Sand & Gravel
Today, population growth and the pace of progress means we’re devouring sand like never before – 50 billion tonnes a year globally. Our washing solutions are helping producers keep pace by tackling tough feedstocks, extracting all available resources, and delivering consistently in-spec products.
Our solutions for producing natural sand and gravel can accommodate any cut point and we have delivered solutions across the world that provides a range of end sand & aggregates at varying sizes.