Claybound Aggregates, Sand & Gravel
0 – 2mm building sand | 0-4mm coarse sand | 4 – 10mm gravel | 10 – 20mm gravel | 20 – 40mm gravel | +50mm oversize

When Breedon Group acquired North Cave Quarry in 2017 it inherited three existing plants on the site which continued to operate for several years, however operational inefficiencies and inconsistencies in product specification across the multi-plant operation resulted in significant downtime and high R&M costs. Breedon Group wanted to consolidate its operation to maximise efficiency.

Using our unique co-creation approach, which places the customer at the centre of every stage of the project, we worked in collaboration with Breedon Group to design and engineer a wet processing solution that would enable the business to achieve its objectives.
We proposed a 400tph of sand and gravel washing system designed using proven and extensively engineered modular components. The static system, which offers all the same flexibility and capabilities of our modular approach, combines all washing operations including an R4500 primary scalping screen to handle a difficult and complex feed material.
Oversize aggregates measuring +50mm are isolated and removed by the R4500. The -50mm material continues to the ProGrade triple deck rinsing model which produces three washed aggregate fractions with the -4mm material being captured in its integrated sump. The -4mm material is processed by the two EvoWash™ units, which remove the silts and clays and produce two clean finished sand products.
It also features our innovative OptiMax technology, the latest addition to our range of technological solutions developed to give customers greater control of their plant. CDE CORE uses automation and sensors to monitor and enhance productivity, minimise downtime, automate processes and lower operating costs while maximising profitability.
The new CDE turnkey solution is Breedon Group’s first direct purchase, as the company has acquired a number of other CDE plants through various acquisitions of other quarrying companies in previous years.
The plant is currently producing five variable sized clean products, including two sands (0-2mm and 0-4mm) and three aggregates (4-10mm, 10-20mm and 20-40mm).
Quarry Manager Patrick Tighe said: “The cleanliness of our 20mm product is over and above the original specification required. Our customers are extremely pleased with the grading of the products and how we've significantly reduced our moisture content from around 18% down to approximately 9-10%.”
Breedon Group has reported that their new CDE solution has reduced energy requirements by 40% and increased operational efficiency by approximately 60%.