C&D Waste, Excavation Waste
0-2mm & 0-4mm sand | 4-10mm, 10-16mm, & 16mm+ aggregates

Waters Excavation had set sights to reduce the amount of dirt sent to landfill, not only in a bid to become more sustainable, but also to recover valuable material which they can resell to be repurposed in the local construction market.
In 2019, Waters Excavation first met wet processing experts CDE at global trade show bauma in Munich, Germany. The Australian CDE team worked with Waters Excavation to understand their needs and wants, to create a solution suited to them.
Commenting on the decision to work with CDE, Michael Waters said: “We first met CDE a number of years ago and have since been building a relationship with the local Australian team. We had heard great things about CDE’s technologies from another one of their Australian customers, which really firmed our decision to partner with them.”

CDE’s solution incorporates the EvoWash sand wash plant, AggMax modular logwasher, a feed hopper and stockpile conveyor. Working together, these technologies enable Waters Excavation to produce 5 products for the local market.
CDE’s S20 Hopper meters feed to the plant, the feed conveyor includes an integrated magnet for steel recovery, ensuring that Water’s Excavation can recover as much material as possible to divert more from landfill.
The high frequency Infinity D1-63 pre-screen removes sand prior to the attrition process, with high-frequency screening action ensures maximum sand removal, and the incorporation of the Infinity D1-43 screen dewaters organic and lightweight wastes liberated from the attrition process, enabling the production of two sands.
CDE’s RotoMax logwasher can be used in the processing of a variety of materials such as sand and gravel, crushed rock, construction and demolition waste material as well as a range of mineral ores and efficiently scrubs material for maximum attrition.
The incorporation of the AggMax modular logwasher upward flow rejects organics and other lightweight contaminants which are dewatered on the integrated trash screen, with the Infinity H2-60 sizing screen efficiently separates the material into three washed aggregates and allows the removal of sand liberated by the RotoMax’s attrition process.
Fines are passed to the EvoWash, a high-frequency dewatering screen with hydro cyclone technology, which gives unparalleled control of silt cut points, allowing production of high value, in-spec product straight from the belt.

CDE’s pioneering solution is allowing Waters Excavation to produce high quality sand products to meet local demand, whilst also diverting waste from landfill.
Waters Excavation is producing 5 products thanks to CDE’s state-of-the-art wash plant. Two sands; 0-2mm and a 0-4mm sand as well as three aggregates; 4-10mm, 10-16mm, and 16mm-oversize.
One of the plant’s main features, Michael Waters says, is the ability to scrub aggregates of clay and float off lightweight contaminants such as leaves, sticks and light plastics.
It’s a solution that could be replicated throughout regional Australia, which would have huge environmental benefits
Daniel Webber, CDE Regional Manager for Australasia said: “We’re delighted to see this plant up and running for Waters Excavation. Both of us are passionate about sustainability and recovering as much was as we can to be repurposed in local markets, contributing to a circular economy.
“Plants like this are the future of the industry in their ability to minimise waste and maximise value, and we’re proud to share our expertise to create a solution which recovers and reuses valuable resources.”