Sand & Gravel
Sand grade of 0/2mm with less than 5% fines.
Heard at the 8ème Rencontres des Mines et des Carrières in Constantine in March 2016: “It’s all about Algeria now.”
All may be a slight exaggeration but with a superficy of 919,595 m², more than 900 quarries and an external debt close to nil, the tenth largest country in the world is perfectly positioned to quickly progress its infrastructural development strategy. This dynamic and emerging country’s ambition to become a strong economic player in MENA was recently showcased in the opening of the East-West motorway, a $11.2 billion project, which links Tunisia and Morocco via a 1,200-kilometre road across Algeria.
With its finger on the pulse of the fast-developing North African construction market, CDE is anchoring its reputation in the region as the go-to washing materials provider for mines, quarries and construction companies.

In September 2015, just five months after initial contact, CDE installed its first EvoWash™ 151 for new client Sarl Lioua, located in the Biskra province in the North East of Algeria.
Sarl Lioua feeds its EvoWash plant at a rate of 150 tphr, with the option to increase this rate to 300 tph. The company produces a sand grade of 0/2mm with less than 5% fines and supplies sand and aggregates for construction projects across the country.