Road Sweepings & Gully Waste
0-4mm & 5-40mm Aggregates

The UK’s leading waste management company Biffa have further demonstrated their commitment to sustainability and evolution of the waste hierarchy for road sweepings and gully waste across the UK. With the introduction of a CDE advanced recycling system at Meece landfill, close to Stone in Straffordshire, Biffa have extended their forward-thinking approach to waste management with an expansion for treatment and recovery of aggregates from road sweepings.
The road sweepings recycling facility provides a waste treatment location for local councils and commercial waste producers to maximise the capability of a waste stream and divert it from landfill. This development of Biffa’s strategy will strengthen the network of waste management sites serving Staffordshire and contribute to overall recycling rates. The aim of moving this waste type up the waste hierarchy has never been more clear for Biffa following the installation of a first CDE system in 2016.

The CDE technology has been developed to receive and treat up to 25 tonnes per hour of road sweepings and residual waste. With efficiency in mind, the system has been designed to effectively clean and separate the incoming waste to produce recyclable and reusable materials.
The CDE solution includes the AggMax solution that both washes, scrubs and screens the waste material before further dewatering occurs. The Meece facility has the addition of a water treatment solution, the CDE AquaCycle. The AquaCycle ensures clean water is recycled around the system continuously in an effort to reduce waste water volumes cast by the system. By maximising their reception capacity, the Meece landfill site can now offer treatment of contaminated materials once sent to landfill, in turn minimising landfill volumes.

Road sweepings and gully waste have been realised as a valuable resource for recovery and reuse. Investment in innovation and technology such as this offers huge cost savings to both Biffa and their clients, and largely decreases the harmful effects of landfill on our surroundings and environment.